A few years ago when we were still struggling with the concept of finishing all those novels we'd start writing, we stumbled on a local attempt to tackle just that problem, promoting National Novel Writing Month through the local library. And that was the year everything finally clicked for us.
Ann actually won "NaNoWriMo", finishing her first 50,000 word novel that November. We haven't gotten around to publishing that one yet, but it's on the short list once she finds time to go back over the quickly dashed out manuscript, fleshing it out and polishing it up.
With the same burst of motivation, we finished our debut novel, Lethal Red Riding Hood, the following month. From there, the words just kept flowing and the stories kept coming.
Also coming out of that NaNoWriMo, the friend group we'd made that autumn immediately decided to coalesce into a more permanent writer's support group, dubbing itself the Fellowship of Conway Literati.
After Ann and I launched Lost in the Wood Press to stop just talking about getting our work in front of the public and actually do it, the FCL began kicking around the idea of putting together a charity anthology to spur others in the group to do the same, and it's finally starting to get real. We've got a solid book's worth of first drafts and we're deep in editing the collection of fantasy short stories about women not to be trifled with. Watch this space for updates.